Jesus led us to have Mission Training instead of a classic camp in the summer. Nine of us went for a week to the town of Kopřivnice. In the mornings we read the Bible together and we studied how Jesus sent His disciples in pairs to proclaim the kingdom of God. Later in the afternoon we always went out into the field – to the center of town.
The first day we just wanted to pray, but God gave us the opportunity to talk with a group of guys at a fountain on a square. Each day after that we read the Bible with them outside and sometimes we played Frisbee. During the whole week we experienced God’s power, we learned to rely on Jesus, to courageously enter into conversations with people and talk about Jesus. At the end of the week, two guys accepted Jesus into their lives and another one a week later. We are still in contact with one of them (and with one of his friends). Mission Training inspired us all to look for people of peace in new fields in our own cities. (Luke 10:2).