We are motivated to see God’s glory spread among the nations; to restore broken people and cultures through new churches and healthy existing churches.
VALUES: Our culture and DNA
Always believing God for the impossible – we oppose fear and presumption
Salvation in Christ alone – we confront humanism, moralism and legalism
Reproducing leaders at every level – discipleship is life-change, not education
Servant Leadership
Leading like Jesus – we confront idols of power, control, approval and comfort
Crossing Cultures
Sending missionaries – we oppose empire-building, selfishness and colonialism

Our desired future reality
To see indigenous, Gospel-centered, multiplying church-planting movements in every region of every nation of Eurasia.
What we do, whom we serve
To accelerate church growth in Central Europe, Russia and Central Asia through coaching, connecting and resourcing.

Our foundation
We believe that churches and movements need a firm foundation of the Gospel, the Bible and Theology to push against the world, the flesh and the devil as well as to motivate grace, truth, purity, service, peace and love in the church. more info about our beliefs
Who God has called to serve
We are a distributed team of leaders with over 85 years of ministry experience throughout Eurasia.
Some of us are nationals who live and serve in our home countries; some of us are cross-cultural missionaries who are called to carry the Gospel to new places and people.
For the sake of security, we can’t list our names and faces here. Feel free to use the Feedback Form to request more info.

Our approach and best practices
Scripture-saturated ministry – we prefer divine wisdom to human insights
Leaders coming together to plant churches – we oppose isolation and independence
Collaborative plurality of leadership – we oppose hierarchical autonomy
Women’s Ministry woven everywhere – we confront male chauvinism and misogyny