More than 100 women from churches all over the nation of Serbia gathered at the Solid Rock Women’s Conference.

This year God has blessed Serbia beyond all expectations!

The Lord even made sure that the weather on the day of the conference was beautiful, despite the storms the previous days leading up to the conference.

Women from two churches combined their talents to lead worship for glory of God!

It was wonderful to see women motivated, full of ideas and willing to serve in their churches. We were all encouraged by the testimonies of the women, showing the real work of our almighty God in their lives.

Together we prayed for the healing of wounds that were inflicted by broken family relationships, for illnesses, for disappointments and those struggling with depression.

Two women from different cities expressed their desire to start participating in women’s ministry! During the summer, they met with us for training in order to start the implementation of their plans in the fall.

We are thankful for God’s work in the lives of the women at Solid Rock Conference and we can already see the fruits of our weekend together!